Lf2 seasonalp13


Prise en main

By On 02/09/2018




Poser vous permet de créer des personnages uniques dans des décors uniques en changeant le morphing des visages et des corps, les cheveux, les poses, les textures, les éclairages, les vetements, les expressions.

Pour commencer cet indispensable tuto de prise en main qui dégrossira les bases du logiciel poser .

1ere approche

Et un tutoriel très bien fait qui explique toute l'interface de poser.


A rajouter, un petit truc tout bete : vous avez deux façon de dérouler la bibliothèque sur le coté droit de votre espace de travail : soit vous cliquez sur les petits dossiers, soit vous cliquez sur le triangle en haut à droite et choisissez dans le menu déroulant qui s'ouvre (plus pratique à visualiser).


Poser for dummies

By On 02/09/2018


Quand nous avons débuté avec le logiciel Poser 6, nous avons rencontré de nombreuses difficultés , nous avons désespérement cherché un tuto de démarrage, simple d'accès et de préférence en français (ou avec des captures d'écran) sans vraiment le trouver, d'où l'idée de faire un tutoriel pour les tout débutants , voici le fruit de nos recherches et quelques explications. Ces tutos de base sont utilisables aussi pour les versions plus récentes de Poser.

Voici pour vous le lien d'un site avec des tas de tutoriels plus poussés pour poser et notamment les lumières IBL (dans la partie poser 6).


Et pour finir voici un petit lexique des termes employés en infographie qui vous permettra de mieux suivre certains tutoriaux.


Pour vous aider dans vos créations deux forums où vous trouverez toute l'aide dont vous pourrez avoir besoin.

Bannieresubforum 1

3dd 400 2


Bon amusement


Create 3D Art for Free


Use dynamic clothes

By On 09/10/2017




Dynamics Clothes


Here is a tutorial that will help you understand how to use clothes dynamics, including their superpositions.

Here the character chosen is Aiko4, but the dynamic clothes for V4 work with the whole range (aiko4, victoria4, stephanie4, The girl4).


Here are the links to load the morph, hair and dynamic clothes used for this tutorial.

Anais dynamic dress and skirt

VH Claudine for Aiko 4

Resplendent Tresses

Anais promo1pt2014 1


Click on screen captures to zoom the pictures


Tutodynamic image1

First, load your character. Add (if you want) a morph, skin texture and hair. Important: leave character in zero pose.


Tutodynamic image2


Load dynamic clothes.


Tutodynamic image3


Using the marker (yellow triangle) scroll over the frame 8 and apply the pose of your choice.


Tutodynamic image4


Go into textile room. Click on "New Simulation" and in the open window

apply the settings shown on the screenshot, click "ok".


Tutodynamic image5


Select the piece of clothing to drape. To do this open window by clicking on "clothify", check the piece of clothing you want to drape and confirm by clicking on "clothify" in the window open

Warning : Always drape clothes one by one, the more under firts, finishing with the most up.



Now click on "collision", a window open, click on "Add / remove" a 2nd window open containing the elements of your scene, check the items that the clothing should take into account, here the character and the ground on which the fabric will come naturally spread. Click OK to close this window. In the first window still open and to accelerate the draping check only the elements of the characters who will not come in collision with clothing (here hand and head). Then select "OK" to close this window.

Tutodynamic image7


You can now click on "calculate simulation" and watch your piece of clothing draping naturally on your character.


Tutodynamic image8


Do the same with the 2nd piece of clothing to be positioned on the first. To do it in the parameters of collision, in addition to the character, select the first clothing. The sleeves of the dress that come into collision with the hands have been unchecked.


Tutodynamic image9


Click on "calculate-simulation" to make draping.


Tutodynamic image10 1



To change the texture of clothes, back in pose" in workspace. Reposition the marker (yellow triangle) on the first frame of animation and apply the texture as usual. Reposition the marker on the last frame to find your poses and clothes draped


Warning, when you open a scene containing a dynamic clothing, the scene comes to the first frame, simply push the marker to the last frame to find the cloth draped.

Now you have draped the clothes on your character and you want to change it place in the scene (without changing the pose), now if you try to move the character only the character move, in order to move all (character and clothes) you need to parent your clothes draped to your character.

Tutodynamic image12


Select the piece of clothing to parents, click on "Set parent", select the character in the window that open and click "OK"


Tutodynamic image13


Do the same with the 2nd clothing.


Tutodynamic image14


You can now position the whole character-clothes where you want in the scene after having previously selected the character of course.


Have fun!